Sunday 14 August 2011

This was good practice for me!

(I had to go about filling one of the application forms tonight and it actually ....thank you Eleni)

Application Form

Name: Iulia Filipovscaia   
Address: London
Studio Address: same (God, this makes me realize how I really need one)
Email: or

Website (where applicable): - undergoing changes
Date of Birth: 03/04/85

Tell us about you and your work:
I am a Russian artist originally born in Siberia, who lives and works in London. I am still hung up on the conceptual ... most recently I have been finding funny (an not) objects that I give names and a functions for example " A Langoustine damaged over a matter of apricots" - it is a branch that looks like a shrimp, really ....recently I m a lot into that.... very duchampian if you ask me.
Most of the work that I do is mainly documenting objects that are no longer being used or are serving their given purpose, but rather the objects that went beyond the initial function. You might call them mistakes, errors, black sheeps... I just think they are beautiful.
This transcendence is what still gives me a kick.
So, from documenting to creating...looks like we might be getting somewhere after all :P

What inspires you to create?
The everyday finding a branch on the pavement on the way to buy apricots

The boring - an advertisement screen that is blank

The ugly you might say... a man with a vititligo decease on a bus stop - sooo want to take his picture - I know you people will through stones at me but I think it is beautiful. Another obsession with ugliness (I find it dangerous grounds)

What would you like to achieve in the future   
Be able to create and be able to create great work and the work that will allow me to live how I want.
How would you like to be represented as an artist   
What do you mean how? true-fully
Are you willing take on commissioned projects   

What price have you been selling your works at   
from £150 - £1000 so far

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